Persuasive Speech To The Elders

The Giver is a book by Lois Lowry that takes place in a utopian society. All of the citizens in the community are taught precisely how to act, and everything and everyone is the same. As one of the Final Products for my Dream On: Imaginative Narratives project, I had to write and preform a speech about three problems in the community as if I were a citizen. My speech was about the age that children begin their assignment, the time citizens spend working, and the role of discipline in the community. This is the video recording of my presentation, and here is the link to my script. 

I think that I did a good job of using precise language in my speech, like a citizen of the community would if they were addressing the Council of Elders. At the beginning of my speech, for example, I said, “Esteemed members of the Council of Elders, I am here before you today to inform you of some issues in our community.” This sentence formally adresses the Elders and introduces the main topic of my speech. One thing I noticed during my speech was that  I spoke very quickly and stopped talking at several points. For instance, at 0:30, I said “ I feel that the twelves, especially after the last ceremony, are unprepared to take on the responsibility of a lifetime job.” Then, I stopped talking for 7 seconds because I did not know what to say. I would have liked to be more clear when I spoke and to have been more confident. Also, while I did make eye contact with the audience during most of my speech, there were some points where I was just looking down at my script. Next time, I could read through my speech more often so that I have it memorized. I could also try practicing presenting my speech to people I know so that I feel more confident speaking in front of an audience.


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