Linear Slalom! Desmos Graphing Activity

Today in Math class, our assignment was to chose one of four different graphing problems. I chose to do an activity on Desmos that dealt with graphing linear functions and writing equations for them. The activity was called Linear Slalom and it challenged me to graph lines that pass through ‘gates’ (represented by two different points).  Below are some of the challenges I completed. You can see that I needed to form an equation that would result in a line that passes through the set(s) of points.  When I was writing these equations, I had to experiment with the different values until I got the correct line.

Throughout this activity, I learned more about the concepts of slope, y-intercept and writing equations for linear relationships. At the end of the activity, there were a few extra questions to review what was learned during the activity, and even an option to create your own Slalom challenge. I chose to create my own challenge and also to solve some of the others that were created by my classmates. This activity was a great learning experience and allowed me to better understand some of the concepts in our current math unit.


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