Similarities of our Styles

I created a survey for my family which I could analyze to learn more about the personal paths of my family and compare them to mine. I found many similarities and differences and I was also influenced by the information, too.

The responses for the first 2 questions of my survey show that my family learns in many ways. All the responses showed how they can learn by reading, writing, hearing, seeing or exploring. Almost everyone selected all of those options. My interactive self profile shows how I learn in all of those ways, too. I prefer to learn by hearing but I can understand information in any way.

Questions 3, 4, 5, and 6 were about passions and hobbies. The results I received seemed to show that everyone who responded liked to create artwork, dance, sing and be outside. Others had other hobbies as well, but everyone had these included in their list. Everyone had 2 or 3 answers that suggested creativity and how they liked to make things and be creative with it. I like to be creative, create artwork, dance, sing and be outside. Most of the options chosen I also liked to do, but some of the options that were chosen I disagreed with, like playing golf and other sports.  The main passions my family has are creating art and also caring for our family. These are both things I am very passionate about.

There are many strengths and weaknesses that my family and I have. In school, it seems that my family was skilled with memory, and thinking of new ideas. My interactive self profile showed that my greatest strengths were creative thinking, memory, morality, appreciation and academic. It seems that we share memory in common, but not many other strengths. The results show that my family’s weaknesses are writing long papers,  public speaking and consistency of effort. Writing long papers is not easy for me, but not relatively hard either. I do think that consistency of effort is a great weakness of mine though I have not done any public speaking yet.

To me, not giving up is the most important thing when trying to reach my goal. The responses I received seemed to support that. Everyone who responded thought that not changing the goal to make it easy, don’t give up, ask for help, and try your best were the most important things when reaching a goal. Some of my goals are to get good grades, and to get a job that would make me happy. I found large differences in my goals and my family’s goals, as some of theirs were golfing and exercising. I think the main reason is because I am still in school and don’t have a job while they are done with college and already have a job.

I have not gotten a job yet, but I think an important characteristic of the job is that it must make me happy to do. I agree with my family’s response because they said that  making you happy is the most important job quality of all. A job I might want to have is be a photographer, artist, work at a restaurant or own a restaurant with my family. Everyone who responded agreed that their current job is perfect for them, and they would not want to change it, but one response listed a few jobs they might want to have. They said that they wanted to be a commercial photographer or own a restaurant with their daughter. This was almost exactly what I put and I think I might want that job more after hearing that information.

All in all, I feel that all of this greatly effects my personal path. For example, the responses about goal reaching really gave me some advice on what else is important when setting a goal. Also, knowing that others in my family share the some of the same learning styles, hobbies, and job interests as I do makes me want to get that job or continue those hobbies. In the end, learning this information has impacted me in different ways and has influenced me to continue and adjust different parts of my path.


Click here to see my Learning Survey!

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