Gene Expression in the Lac Operon



Gene expression is the showing (or hiding) of a specific trait. The lac operon controls whether or not it produces the enzyme B-gal to digest lactose. The lac operon has a repressor protein on the operator to block the enzyme from being produced. This makes sure the operon isn’t producing unnecessary B-gal. In the presence of lactose, the repressor protein temporarily leaves the operon and the RNA polymerase begins to produce the B-gal enzyme. The first picture shows the operon. The second picture shows the operon turned off. The third picture shows the operon turned on.

Textual Analysis Project Reflection


I am very proud of the work I have done. I put a lot of effort into all of my paragraphs, and my presentation as well. I spent a lot of time making sure everything went together. If anything, my paragraphs could have been a little more detailed. Overall, however, I think I did a good job.


Personally, I think the outline steps were pretty useless. It’s both annoying and repetitive to have to put your entire work into an outline, and then copy it into the actual turn in spot. It would be much easier to just write, rather than worry about all the different steps in the outline. Additionally, they don’t really do much in the scheme of things. Outlines are much more work than necessary for any writing task.


I had to investigate different articles in order to write my nonfiction paragraph. I also investigated a book, To Kill A Mockingbird, in order to write my literature paragraph. I investigated my community in Fairview Park to write my physical space paragraph. I used all three of these, as well as previous knowledge of privilege to create my presentation. Investigation played a large role in this project.